Classification of Poisonous Mushroom Base on Morphological Characteristics and Indigenous Knowledge at Ubon Ratchathani Province
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Poisonous and edible mushrooms can be found annually in the dry dipterocarp and community forests during rainy season in the northeast and north of Thailand. The annual report obtained from the Department of Disease Control reported that local people eating poisonous mushrooms are sick and may result in death. Aims of this study were to investigate and collect morphological data for species identification of poisonous mushrooms in surveillance area. Mushroom samples were obtained from dry dipterocarp and community forests that the villagers collect for sale in the local market. The data were collected between June 2019 and July 2020 at Khemarat, Buntharik, Si Mueang Mai and Nachaluay districts of Ubon Ratchathani Province. Poisonous mushroom samples were identified in laboratory by using morphological and other important characters as well as the indigenous knowledge. The result revealed that twenty one taxa was identified into 10 genera and 10 families. Some species are morphologically similar to edible species such as Hed Muk Jeen (Inosperma cf. virosum) similar to Hed Puk Jik (Termitomyces clypeatus). Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions for harvesting the wild mushrooms for eat themself and sale, including for boosting community surveillance.
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