Product Development of Rice Seasoning (Furikake) from Fish and Crispy Fried Seabass (Lates calcarifer) Skin
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The utilization of small piece of crispy fried fish skin, waste from crispy fried fish skin process, was the objective of this study. Moreover, it was for highest benefit of utilization and new product development. This product was developed for consumers who want products that was convenient to consume. The study on suitable content of seasoned dried fish meat for protein supplement, suitable content of dried carrot for dietary fiber supplement, suitable content of crispy fried fish skin and quality of product were investigated. For result, it was showed that suitable basic formula for protein supplement composed of 28 % seasoned dried fish meat, 7% dried vegetable, 13% white sesame, 13% black sesame 7% soy sauce, 3% sugar, 2% salt, 6% dried seasoned seaweed, 15% water and 6 % seasoned powder (no MSG). The suitable content of dried carrot and crispy fried fish skin were 8% and 11%, respectively. Proximate compositions of this product were 3.19% moisture, 11.43% ash, 35.55% protein, 7.81% fat, 1.03% crude fiber and 41.76% total carbohydrate. The Energy and water activity were 380.59 kcal/100g and 0.242, respectively. Overall liking score of developed product was 8.63 which showed the acceptation of the product. Then rice seasoning (Furikake) from fish and crispy fried fish skin was alternative product for consumer who want to consume nutritional added food. Moreover, this product was a guide for manufacturers to produce more diverse products.
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