Influence of milling methods on physicochemical properties of Thai rice flour (Riceberry) and its application for gluten free crispy waffle

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ศันสนีย์ อุดมระติ
พัชรี ตั้งตระกูล
งามจิตร โล่วิทูร


The objectives of this research are to study the effect of milling methods (dry milling and semi-dry milling) on components and physicochemical properties of rice flour (Riceberry) and to utilize Riceberry flour in gluten free crispy waffle recipe, replacing wheat flour. Dry-milled riceberry flour contained higher protein content, damaged starch (%) and water absorption index (WAI), compared to semi-dry milling. There was no difference in amylose content of both milled samples. The larger average particle size was found in semi-dry-milled sample, which contained the large particle of fiber and small particle of starch granules as observed by microscope. For pasting properties, pasting temperature, final viscosity, and setback of dry-milled riceberry flour showed the higher values than those of semi-dry-milled sample, while the values of peak viscosity and breakdown of dry-milled flour were lower values than semi-dry-milled flour. In terms of gelatinization and retrogradation, semi-dry-milled riceberry flour consumed larger energy for gelatinization (DHgel) and showed lower temperatures of gelatinization (Togel, Tpgel, and Tcgel), compared to dry-milled flour. There were small differences in energy (DHretro) and temperatures (Toretro, Tpretro, and Tcretro) of retrogradation of both milled riceberry flour gels after storaged at refrigerated temperature for 7 days. The lower hardness and stickiness values of semi-dry-milled riceberry gel were observed. For utilization, semi-dry-milled riceberry flour may be more suitable ingredient in gluten free crispy waffle, compared to dry-milled rice flour and has potential to replace wheat flour, in term of texture.

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How to Cite
อุดมระติ ศ. ., ตั้งตระกูล พ. ., & โล่วิทูร ง. . (2019). Influence of milling methods on physicochemical properties of Thai rice flour (Riceberry) and its application for gluten free crispy waffle. KKU Science Journal, 47(1), 81–92. retrieved from
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