Linearization of Third-order Ordinary Differential Equations by Generalized Sundman Transformation

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Warisa Nakpim
Rakkiet Srisuntorn


This research considers an application of the generalized Sundman transformation, i.e.,
to the linearization problem of third-order ordinary differential equations. Complete necessary and sufficient conditions for third-order ordinary differential equations to be linearizable into the general form of a linear third-order ordinary differential equation
where gif.latex?\beta,gif.latex?\alpha,gif.latex?\gamma and gif.latex?\eta are constants, are obtained for the case gif.latex?f_{x} = 0.

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How to Cite
Nakpim, W. ., & Srisuntorn, R. . (2022). Linearization of Third-order Ordinary Differential Equations by Generalized Sundman Transformation. KKU Science Journal, 44(4), 705–718. Retrieved from
Research Articles