Stefan Banach and Banach Spaces

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ฐิตารีย์ วุฒิจิรัฐิติกาล


Almost all of the modern analysis is the study of some form or a combination of Banach space, or generalized or specialized variants of Banach space, or operators on, or between them. In this article, we will first take a brief look at the life of the remarkable Polish
mathematician Stefan Banach. Banach spaces and more recently Banach algebras are named after him. Then various examples of Banach spaces will be given. These examples are so basic that most mathematicians would agree that every mathematician, whether working on analysis or not, should have some degree of familiarity. Further recent work in the area will be briefly
discussed with references at the end.

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How to Cite
วุฒิจิรัฐิติกาล ฐ. . (2013). Stefan Banach and Banach Spaces. KKU Science Journal, 41(1), 80–91. retrieved from
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