A Model of Utility Perception of Quality Assurance System, Kasetsart University

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ธเนศ ดาวรุ่งโรจน์
จุฬารัตน์ วัฒนะ
สมสุดา ผู้พัฒน์


The purposes of this research were to construct a model of utility perception of the quality assurance system of Kasetsart University and to compare pre and post personnel behaviors of utility perception of quality assurance system of Kasetsart University. The research used a one-group pretest-posttest design. The study group consisted of 43 volunteers drawn from the executives, lecturers, and practitioners of quality assurance from all faculties across the Bangkhen Campus of Kasetsart University. The research instruments were a test of information perception about the quality assurance system and a questionnaire on the utility of the quality assurance system. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. 

The results showed that the model of utility perception of quality assurance system was constructed which consisted of training activities integrating information and knowledge about quality assurance, particularly on the 2nd factor of quality assurance on graduate production and approaches/theories on utility perception of quality assurance system. The analysis of post-training behaviors showed that personnel had a greater knowledge of the quality assurance system than before undertaking the training. The post-training behaviors also indicated that the personnel had a greater perception of the contribution of the quality assurance system than before undertaking the training.

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How to Cite
ดาวรุ่งโรจน์ ธ., วัฒนะ จ., & ผู้พัฒน์ ส. (2014). A Model of Utility Perception of Quality Assurance System, Kasetsart University. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 159–167. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/26540
Research Articles


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