Variables Affecting Attitudes Towards the Social Security System for Employees in Samut Prakan Province

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ประสิทธิศักดิ์ ศิริจารุภัทร
ไพฑูรย์ พิมดี


The objective of this research was to study the variables affecting attitudes towards the social security system for employees in Samut Prakan province. The sample used in this study consisted of 720 workers in Samut Prakan Province during B.E.2551. The tools for data collection were a questionnaire with a five-rating scale. Data analyzed were mean, standard deviation, correlation, and multiple regression. The result of the study revealed that the variables that affected attitudes towards the social security system for employees in Samut Prakan province were the demand of better in life and health (X8), the perception of news about   social security (X5), the workplace environment (X7), knowledge of social security (X9), and motivation  for achievement (X2). All these variables could explain the variance in attitude towards the social security system for employees in Samut Prakan province of 40.30%.

The prediction equation of raw scores was:

Y/   =   .204 + .305X8 + .278X5 + .143X7 + .052X9 + .180X2

The prediction equation of standard scores was:

Z/y   =   .317Z8 + .272Z5 + .200Z7 + .176Z9 + .197Z2

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How to Cite
ศิริจารุภัทร ป., & พิมดี ไ. (2014). Variables Affecting Attitudes Towards the Social Security System for Employees in Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 145–152. retrieved from
Research Articles


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