A Study on the Cultural Landscape of Wat Phra That Hariphunchai Community to Design Public Facility

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สุธาสินีน์ บุรีคำพันธุ์
เกรียงศักดิ์ เขียวมั่ง
คุ้มพงศ์ หนูบรรจง



The important concerns for the designing of public facility for any communities are users need and suitable pattern with cultural landscape. The purposes of this research are 1) To study contexts of WAT PHRA THAT HARIPHUNCHAI Community including history, society condition and way of life, tradition and culture and city development policy, 2) To design public facilities including different identity of street signs and public furniture for 4 communities and 3) To survey the opinion of people live in the WAT PHRA THAT HARIPHUNCHAI community.

The samples used in this research was clustering sampled from people live in the WAT PHRA THAT HARIPHUNCHAI community including 154 people from BAAN TA - TA NANG community, 108 people from SRI BOONRUENG community, 168 people from CHAI MONGKOL community and 232 people from TA KHAM - BAAN HOM community.

From the results, it is found that for Chai Mongkol Community, overall opinion on street sign, and development strategy and community cooperation were at most level with the mean of 3.76, and 3.80 respectively. For Sriboonraung Community, overall opinion on street sign, and development strategy and community cooperation were at most level with the mean of 3.73,  and 3.98 respectively. For Bantha-Thanang community, overall opinion on street sign and public furniture were at most level with the mean of 4.06 and 4.08 respectively Finally, for Thakham-Banhom Community, overall opinion on street sign, and development strategy and community cooperation were at most level with the mean of 4.19,  and 4.10 respectively.

In conclusion, community need people cooperation on development projects and for products design, identity should be concerned obviously and suitable with Hariphunchai city landscape.

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How to Cite
บุรีคำพันธุ์ ส., เขียวมั่ง เ., & หนูบรรจง ค. (2014). A Study on the Cultural Landscape of Wat Phra That Hariphunchai Community to Design Public Facility. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 81–88. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/26533
Research Articles


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