Attitude and Using the Social Security System for the Labour in Samutprakan Province

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ประสิทธิศักดิ์ ศิริจารุภัทร


This research was to study and compare the attitude and using the social security system. The sampling group was 720 labour in Samutprakan Province in 2008 by random sample of multi-stage sampling. The research tool was 6 level summated rating scale measurement, the reliability is 0.83, and analyzed via statistic package program for mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Sheffe/ test. The result of this study was as follows; 1) The labour had high attitude about social security system and the average of the application of the social security was 3.92 times per year. 2) The labour had different attitude according to their marital status. 3) The single labour had different application of the social security system according to their age and family status, and the married labour had different application of the social security system according to their educational level, income and age. and 4) The single labour had different attitude toward the social security system according to their educational level, number of family members, age, household income and family status, and married labour had different attitude the social security system according to household income, number of family members, and family status. 

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How to Cite
ศิริจารุภัทร ป. (2014). Attitude and Using the Social Security System for the Labour in Samutprakan Province. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 137–144. retrieved from
Research Articles


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