The Satisfaction and Expectation of Graduate Students towards the Work of Graduate College Staffs in King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and Naresuan University

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ศิริรัตน์ ประถมพัด
รวีวรรณ ชินะตระกูล
เสมอ เริงอนันต์


This study investigated and compared the satisfaction and expectation of graduate students towards the work of graduate college staffs in KMUTNB andNaresuanUniversityin 5 aspects; 1) staffs 2) operating process 3) communication and public relation 4) service location and facilities 5) curriculum and thesis. The population in this study included 4070 graduate students of KMUTNB andNaresuanUniversity. The sample group consisted of 307 students from KMUTNB and 334 students fromNaresuanUniversitywith the total number of 640 students to complete the questionnaires. Research statistics used to analyze the data included mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Dunnett’s T3. The results were as follows:

1) Graduate students from KMUTNB reported high satisfaction and high expectation on the work of graduate college staffs of KMUTNB.

2) Graduate students fromNaresuanUniversityreported high satisfaction and high expectation on the work of graduate college staffs ofNaresuanUniversity.

3) There was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 between the KMUTNB students’ satisfaction and that ofNaresuanUniversitystudents on the work of graduate college staffs. Graduate students from KMUTNB reported higher satisfaction on the work of the graduate college staffs than that of graduate students fromNaresuanUniversity.

4) There was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 between the KMUTNB students’ expectation and that ofNaresuanUniversitystudents on the work of graduate college staffs. Graduate students fromNaresuanUniversityreported higher expectation on the work of the graduate college staffs than that of graduate students from KMUTNB.

5) The results showed that there was a difference on satisfaction of the students on different faculties in KMUTNB, i.e. 1) Faculty of Engineering 2) Faculty of Applied Arts 3) Faculty of Applied Science 4) Faculty of Information Technology 5) Faculty of Technical Education. The paired comparison showed that students from the Faculty of Technical Education reported higher satisfaction than the students from Faculty of Engineering and those from Faculty of Applied Arts respectively. Moreover, students from Faculty of Information Technology reported higher satisfaction than those from Faculty of Applied Arts.

6) The comparison of the students’ expectation from different faculties showed that students from Faculty of Information Technology reported higher satisfaction than those from Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Technical Education.

7) The results showed that there was a difference on satisfaction of the students on different faculties in Naresuan University, i.e. 1) Faculty of Science 2) Faculty of Education 3) Faculty of Humanities 4) Faculty of Engineering 5) Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications. The paired comparison showed that students from Faculty of Science reported higher satisfaction than the students from Faculty of Engineering and those from Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Education reported higher satisfaction than those from Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications.

8) The comparison of the students’ expectation from different faculties showed that students from Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Engineering reported higher satisfaction than those from Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications. Moreover, it was found that students from Faculty of Humanities reported higher expectation than those from Faculty of Education.

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How to Cite
ประถมพัด ศ., ชินะตระกูล ร., & เริงอนันต์ เ. (2014). The Satisfaction and Expectation of Graduate Students towards the Work of Graduate College Staffs in King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and Naresuan University. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 119–127. retrieved from
Research Articles


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