The Integrated Organizational Management Strategy And Modern 21st Century Leadership: A Case Study Of The Executives Of The Thai Auto-Parts Manufacturers Association, 2013 A.D

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วิชัย ศรีมาวรรณ์
ธัญยธรณ์/กนลา สุขพานิช-ขันทปราบ



The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Integrated Organizational Management Strategy of the Executives of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates and 2) to study The Modern 21st Century Leadership used the Integrated Organizational Management Strategy of the Executives of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates 3) to study The Modern 21st Century Leadership and the Integrated Organizational Management Strategy to strengthen its competitiveness in the region of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates 4) to study and design the model of The Management Integrated Organization Strategy and Modern 21St Century Leadership. The research used Methodologically speaking, This study employed Qualitative Research from in-depth interviews of 63 leaders/administrators from all walks of life, including high-ranking government officials, political leaders, provincial governors, lord mayors, ministers, businessmen, press/media executives, religious and community leaders, though focusing mainly on the executive members of the auto parts industries. This Quantitative Research took meticulous questionnaire samplings from 375 general managers, auto-parts executives as well as industry owners, all of who are official members of the Thai Auto-Parts Manufacturers Association (TAPMA), have also been meticulously conducted. 

1) The Integrated Organizational Management Strategy of the Executives of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates, that must be managed in any previous consistent, Adaptability / flexibility Including the ability to collaborate among different cultures and different ages, Integrated management with a focus on providing knowledge and insight, to create a market and maintain the confidence of its customers.

2)  The Modern 21st Century Leadership used the Integrated Organizational Management Strategy of the Executives of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates, that must be visionary leadership, Push changes proactively, knowledge creation and good governance, to create a new the organization for the future.

3)  The Modern 21st Century Leadership and the Integrated Organizational Management Strategy to strengthen its competitiveness in the region of Thai-Auto Parts Manufacturer Associates, that vision of management must focus on growing the automotive manufacturers, as export hub To be ready to step forward to strengthen its competitiveness in the region and the world.    

4)  The model of this doctoral dissertation can be presented as the following: From “The Profits and Fames Maximization Goals” To “The Global Warming Era Social Responsibility Destination.”

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How to Cite
ศรีมาวรรณ์ ว., & สุขพานิช-ขันทปราบ ธ. (2014). The Integrated Organizational Management Strategy And Modern 21st Century Leadership: A Case Study Of The Executives Of The Thai Auto-Parts Manufacturers Association, 2013 A.D. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 191–199. retrieved from
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