Application of three-dimensional meta-evaluation for the internal quality assessment at the institutional level of higher education institutions in Thailand (first phase)

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ประสิทธิ์ พงษ์เรืองพันธุ์
สุชาดา กรเพชรปาณี


It was realized that there are various problems with the internal quality assessment results as they are not in the same standard.  The first phase of this research was to develop a computer program to be used in three-dimensional meta-evaluation for the internal quality assessment at the institutional level of higher educational institutions in Thailand.  The research methodology comprised of designing the application of three-dimensional meta-evaluation at the institutional level by using Microsoft Excel spread sheets that were expanded from a program of data analysis named “Queen Bee” which was developed by the researchers for data analysis of the internal quality assessment by the assessors in the faculty level.  This program development resulted into the complete program that is used in the three–dimensional (faculty, indicator, and common data set of institution) meta-evaluation for the internal quality assessment at the institutional level.  This program's main function it to pull the data from the committee assessment report at the faculty level for synthesis by meta-evaluation at the institutional level.  The researches have pretested the program by using it with thirty (30) participants included specialists/experts and assessment committee.

The result of using this program was very effective for the internal quality assessment at the institutional level of higher educational institution in Thailand within and outside the control of the Ministry of Education.  The participants expressed their satisfaction with the program due to the reliability of the results generated and the acceptance level of the institutions that were evaluated.  Moreover, the program gave the respondents an opportunity to participate in the process and clarify any unclear points, using the principles of good governance, transparency and thereby increasing the confidence in the decision making process by referencing the applicable standards of the Commission of Higher Education under the local context.

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How to Cite
พงษ์เรืองพันธุ์ ป., & กรเพชรปาณี ส. (2014). Application of three-dimensional meta-evaluation for the internal quality assessment at the institutional level of higher education institutions in Thailand (first phase). Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 19–25. retrieved from
Research Articles


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