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The development of mathematics learning achievement of mathayomsuksa five students on series by using cognitively guided instruction (CGI) and questioning, the sample in this research consisted of 34 mathayomsuksa five students of one classroom who were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2020 that was selected by cluster random sampling at Debsirin Nonthaburi School. The instruments used in this study were 1) nine mathematics lesson plans on series by using CGI and questioning, 2) questions to measure the achievement of mathematics on series, and 3) student’s opinions toward learning management questionnaire on series by using CGI and questioning. The data were analyzed in terms of mean, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test statistics. The results show that 1) the guidelines of learning activities by using CGI and questioning consisted of four steps: (1) present the problems, (2) analyze for solving problems, (3) present ideas and answers to problems, and (4) discuss ideas and answer of problems. 2) Most of students had mathematics learning achievements on series using CGI, and questioning after learning was higher than 60% at the .05 significance level. 3) Most students had the results in the questionnaire for student opinions toward learning management on series by using CGI and questioning at the high level.
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