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This research developed the supplementary learning media using Microcontroller and Augmented Reality technology on Smart Farm. The sample consisted of forty tenth Grade students who studied Home Economics 1 (D.31101) using cluster random sampling from the five hundred two of tenth Grade students at Wachirathamsatit School during the first semester of 2023 academic year. The tools used in study were the supplementary learning media using Microcontroller and Augmented Reality technology on Smart Farm, quality assessment validated by the experts, an achievement test, an evaluative questionnaire on student satisfaction. The statistics utilized for data analysis were the Index of consistency, , SD, the efficiency of the supplementary leaning media or E1/E2, and t-test (Paired-sample t-test). The research findings were as follows: 1) the quality of learning media evaluated by three content experts was at a very good level (
= 4.60, SD = 0.45) and the quality of media production evaluated by three content experts was at a good level (
= 4.17, SD = 0.29), 2) the efficiency of supplementary learning media using Microcontroller and Augmented Reality technology on Smart Farm or E1/E2 was 80.17/84.33, in accordance with the specified hypothesis 80/80, 3) the learning achievement of learner after learning (
= 12.65, SD = 2.75) was higher than before (
= 6.63, SD = 2.80) with the supplementary learning media using Microcontroller and Augmented Reality technology on Smart Farm at the 0.05 level of statistics significant, and 4) student’s satisfaction after learning with the supplementary learning media using Microcontroller and Augmented Reality technology on Smart Farm was at the more level (
= 4.25, SD = 0.74).
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