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Taweesak Sukcharoensup
Chollada Pansong
Kunagorn Kiddee


The researchers had developed electronic flashcards with RFID technology set to solve the problem of alternate words writing for ADHD using the teaching technique “Number Follow” and evaluated the quality of the electronic flashcards with RFID technology set to solve the problem of alternate words writing for ADHD using the teaching technique “Number Follow.” The populations were students with ADHD studying in grades 1-6 from 11 educational institutions in semester 2/2021. The 90 samples were selected using the abbreviated Kussi screening form and a specific method (Purposive sampling) with a co-researcher as the primary screener. The research tools were 1) electronic flashcards with RFID technology set to solve the problem of alternate words writing for ADHD using the teaching technique “Number Follow” and 2) manuals in version 4.0 which approved by the Ethics committee on human research. The basic statistics used in the research were percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), and standard deviation (S.D). The results showed that 1) Electronic flashcards with RFID technology set to solve the problem of alternate words writing for ADHD using the teaching technique “Number Follow” which consisted of a user manual, a vocabulary list box, Character cards made of RFID cards, an electronic word reader, cover plate all six display screens, and a DC power supply. It was able to teach 46 words; each word had no more than six positions and no more than three syllables. 2) Observation of ADHD student's learning behavior in the sample group after use was significantly higher than before at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Sukcharoensup, T., Pansong, C., & Kiddee, K. (2022). ELECTRONIC FLASHCARD KIT USING RFID TECHNOLOGY FOR ALTERNATE WORDS WRITING OF ADHD CHILDREN PROBLEM SOLVING. Journal of Industrial Education, 21(3), 89–98. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/249273
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