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The purposes of this research were to 1) develop video media and lesson plans of changes of substances for 5th grade students, 2) compare the students' science learning achievement between before and after learning, and 3) study students' satisfaction toward the science learning management by using video media. The research used experimental research of the one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample group was 20 students of 5th grade students by cluster random sampling. The research tools consisted of 1) video media about changes of substances, 2) the science lesson plans of changes of substances, 3) the learning achievement test, 4) the item-objective consistency assessment form (IOC) by experts, 5) the science lesson plans quality assessment by experts, and 6) the students’ satisfaction questionnaire toward the science learning management. The statistics to use for analyzing data were mean, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test. The results showed that 1) the mean scores of the students’ science learning achievement of posttest were higher than pretest at the statistically significant .01 level, and 2) the students’ satisfaction toward the science learning management using video media was satisfied at the highest level.
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