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Suputtra Sapliyan
Pinanta Chatwattana


The imagineering learning of technology model with metaverse storytelling is a model that can be employed to promote limitless self-learning by means of active learning, which encourages learners to the creation of new bodies of knowledge to enhance engineering design skills. This model can also be applied in other contexts, which can be done by integrating the concepts of technologies and new platforms of instruction to create new concepts of instruction designs.  Not only that, the model can be utilized in the new normal instruction management that usually focuses on continuous learning, which can be conducted anywhere and anytime, with the aid of technology. The sample group is five experts in design and development of teaching and learning models from various institutions in higher education based on purposive sampling. The data collecting tools are 1) the imagineering learning of technology model with metaverse storytelling, 2) the imagineering learning of technology process with metaverse storytelling, 3) the suitability assessment form of the imagineering learning of technology model with metaverse storytelling, and 4) the suitability assessment form of the imagineering learning of technology process with metaverse storytelling. The statistics utilized for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. According to the results, it is found that the imagineering learning of technology model with metaverse storytelling and the imagineering learning of technology process with metaverse storytelling were appropriate to enhance engineering design skills at the highest level, which is in compliance with the established research hypothesis.

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How to Cite
Sapliyan, S., & Chatwattana, P. (2023). THE IMAGINEERING LEARNING OF TECHNOLOGY MODEL WITH METAVERSE STORYTELLING TO ENHANCE ENGINEERING DESIGN SKILLS. Journal of Industrial Education, 22(1), 49–60. retrieved from
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