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Computational thinking skill is the ability to think analytically, solve problems in a stepwise manner and digest problems that help you cope with complex problems. It’s an important skill and competence of Thai youth in the 21st century. In this experimental research, the researcher has developed a mobile game application that promotes computational thinking skills by playing interactive games consist of images, animation, and music that engage students to learn with fun. It also stimulates self-organized analytical thinking and a greater interest in learning. The sample group in this study was randomized 30 students in grade 6 by using the multi-stage random sampling from primary school in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province to compare students' computational thinking skills with a multiple choice test and study student's satisfaction after using a mobile game application by using a questionnaire. The statistics in this research were used mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results showed that 1) the overall quality assessment result of the mobile game application in content view was averaged in the highest level (=4.63, S.D.=0.48), design view was averaged in the highest level (
=4.66, S.D.=0.48), and technical efficiency was averaged in the highest level (
=4.69, S.D. =0.47), 2) the student's computational thinking skills gained higher scores than before using a mobile game application with the statistical significance at .05 level, and 3) the student's satisfaction after using a mobile game application was averaged in the highest level (
= 4.56, S.D.=0.64). This learning by using the game mobile application can develop primary students' computational thinking skills and other skills in the future.
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