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Karakada Nugkim
Noppawan Kaneungchaisakul


The study aimed to investigate the integration of social media module applied Child Psychology in School. The simple random sampling consisted of 25 students at Kasetsart University registering for Child Psychology in School (01166461) of section 1 in the academic year 2019. This research is a quasi-experimental research.  The instruments of this study were 1) a questionnaire on interests of students to participate in social media-based activities   2) a plan for the activities of learning in Child Psychology in School Class for learning unit; emotional quotient   3) a satisfaction questionnaire of students participating in the activities   4) An examination for Child Psychology in School Class for learning unit; emotional quotient.  All instruments were significantly assured validity by utilizing the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) ranging from 0.86 to 1.00. Statistical Analysis (Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) was facilitated to illustrate and analyze data.  A paired sample t-test was used to examine the difference scores.

The findings indicate that 1) in terms of the interests of students to participate in social media-based activities, a majority of students were likely to participate in group activities in order to reciprocate knowledge, to access updated information and advanced intellect via an online database, and utilize an online assessment test for self-awareness. 2) The plan for organizing learning activities was completed and covered the use of social media according to the interests of students, and its content validity was deliberately scrutinized by respective experts.  3) The emotional quotient scores of the students participating in the posttest activities ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 13.26)  were significantly higher than before the activity participation ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =11.91)  at 0.05.  A majority of participants had a positive tendency to satisfy with activity participation at the highest level in 2 aspects, respectively; they were the provided activities assisted students to individually reflect themselves and participate in activities that allowed students to develop their emotional quotient. One of the potential possibilities concerning this research study is to pilot further learning activities through an online platform to adopt presently dynamic learning styles.

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How to Cite
Nugkim, K., & Kaneungchaisakul, N. . (2020). USING SOCIAL MEDIA-MATERIAL FOR LEARNING IN CHILD PSYCHOLOGY IN SCHOOL. Journal of Industrial Education, 19(2), 1–11. retrieved from
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