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The objectives of this study were: 1) to develop and examine the validity of the Teacher Job Crafting scale (TJC); 2) to study the influence of theoretical antecedents of job crafting and how it affects teacher job crafting and meaningful work of teacher at the primary and secondary level; 3) to study the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work; and 4) to study the mediating role of teacher job crafting in the relationship between theoretical antecedents of job crafting and meaningful work. This research was conducted in two phases. Phase 1: To developed and test the validity of the teacher job crafting scale by 254 educational supervisors and core teachers in the Office of the Basic Education Commission, to develop and test its factor structure, reliability, and convergent validity. Phase 2: To developed, examined and test mediating roles of teacher job crafting. The data was collected from a sample of 400 selected from teachers at the primary and secondary level of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the Office of Basic Education Commission by stratified random sampling methods.
The research findings were as follows. 1) There are three independent teacher job crafting dimensions, namely task crafting, relational crafting and cognitive crafting. The TJC shows high convergent validity. The scale can be a useful tool for the assessment of teacher job crafting. 2) Theoretical antecedents were directly and indirectly influencing on teacher job crafting. 3) Teacher job crafting was positive significantly correlated with meaningful work, and 4) Teacher job crafting was found to completely mediate the relations between theoretical antecedents of job crafting and meaningful work. The proposed causal relationship model was consistent with empirical data (= 78.081,
/df = 1.165, df = 67, P-value = .167, GFI = .977, AGFI = .953, RMSEA = .020, PCLOSE =.999)
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