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This research aimed to develop STEM-based lesson plans in occupations and technology learning area for grade nine students in Sasnavidya Institute, Bangkok, and to explore students’ accomplishment including learning achievement and students’ satisfaction. Research tools included STEM-based lesson plans in occupations and technology learning area, achievement test, and satisfaction questionnaire. Population were grade 9 students in Sasnavidya Institute, Bangkok, total amount of 88.
The results of the study revealed five STEM-based lesson plans for five topics including ‘Bean Sprout Cultivation in Bottles’, ‘Using Bean Sprout for Cooking’, ‘Food business’, ‘Use of Information Technology for Presentation’, and ‘Students’ Presentation’. The students gained overall learning achievement at ‘excellent level’ (=89.79) especially on ‘Using Bean Sprout for Cooking’ and ‘Students’ Presentation’. Result from the satisfaction questionnaire revealed that, in general, students satisfied the learning activity at ‘high level’ (
=4.39). When considering each item, result revealed that students were most satisfied on their knowledge development from learning activity and they found that the learning activity was interesting and they were involved in all practices. The study suggested that, all instructions should focus on students’ active participation and their hands-on experiences which are crucial parts for learners’ learning development. Moreover, STEM-based lesson planning required several aspects of planning to cover all teaching objectives.
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"The opinions and contents including the words in papers are responsibility by the authors."
"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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