Impact of Social Media Changes Marketing

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Montajula Suvattanadilok


Social media has been involved in almost every aspect of our lives. This is because of its accessibility, speed of communication, and the network effect of the tool itself. For example, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and Instragram have been widely adopted and become household words, penetrating and connecting the society. In this regard, social media is considered a powerful marking tool which answers to what the entrepreneur, manufacturer, and marketer need. This study aimed at investigating the impact of social media toward consumer’s media behavior, entrepreneurship and commercialization, marketing strategy, and marketing research methodology. The implication of this study is offered insights into media consumption behavior, so the all the stakeholders are able to enjoy the benefit of applying social media to both marketing and public.

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How to Cite
Suvattanadilok, M. (2014). Impact of Social Media Changes Marketing. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(1), 196–203. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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