The Relationships between Learning and Teaching by Means of Buddhist Way an Learning and Teaching by Means of Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy

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ณัฐทิญา แก้วพลอย


The buddhism and Thai education consistently relate because buddhism is Thai national religious. Teachers use the Buddhist teaching as the means of learning and teaching and in their daily life. Sufficiency Economy which based on the Buddhism is a philosophy bestowed by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to the people of Thailand. When we criticize about Learning and Teaching by Means of Buddhist Way and Learning and Teaching by Means of Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, there are the relationships in the way of Learning and Teaching which was identified in the part of content, goal, teaching method and educational management.

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How to Cite
แก้วพลอย ณ. (2014). The Relationships between Learning and Teaching by Means of Buddhist Way an Learning and Teaching by Means of Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(1), 189–195. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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