Study and Development Packaging for Koh Kred Ceramic

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ธเนศ ภิรมย์การ


The purpose of this research were (1) to study packaging design of Koh Kred pottery souvenir (2) to prepare Koh Kred pottery souvenir packaging prototype (3) to study the satisfaction level of Koh Kred pottery souvenir prototype classified by personal from 100 tourist and local people who bought Koh Kred pottery souvenir. The data were collected by using questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using statistics including, percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D.). The results can be summarized as follows.

1. Tourist and local people who bought Koh Kred pottery souvenir had high satisfactory level as a whole on Koh Kred pottery souvenir packaging design in local unique, provincial slogan, province emblem, Koh Kred Pagoda architecture, sculpture, pottery craft and landscapes along the Choa Pra Ya river.

2. Tourist and local people who bought Koh Kred pottery souvenir had high satisfactory level as a whole on opportunity to select Koh Kred pottery souvenir.

3. Tourist and local people who bought Koh Kred pottery souvenir had high satisfactory level as a whole on Koh Kred pottery souvenir packaging design in characteristics of package.

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How to Cite
ภิรมย์การ ธ. (2014). Study and Development Packaging for Koh Kred Ceramic. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(1), 146–153. retrieved from
Research Articles


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