Advance organizer model in computer-based training on tube filler machine
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The purposes of this study were; (1) to develop and find out effectiveness of Advance Organizer Model in Computer-based training on Tube filler machine, and (2) to compare the achievement of employees between those who studied with Advance Organizer Model in Computer-based training on Tube filler machine and those who studied without Advance Organizer Model in Computer-based training on Tube filler machine. Sample group of the research was the employees of Hair care and Skin care department of the Procter and Gamble manufacturing Thailand Company limited 40 people, selected by using Simple Random method.
The researching tools were Computer-based training with Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine and Computer-based training without Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine, an achievement test, and an evaluation form.
The results of this research were as follow; 1) the quality of Computer-based training with Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine received the result of very good level (= 4.73) on content as well as on media components (
= 4.53), 2) Effectiveness of Computer-based training with Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine , E1/E2 was equal to 84.00:83.10, and 3) The learning achievement of employees who studied with Computer-based training with Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine was significantly higher than those who studying with Computer-based training without Advance Organizer Model on Tube filler machine at .05 level.
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"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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