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The purpose of this research was to design, develop and determine the quality of an electronic ticketing management system for public transportation, as well as to evaluate user satisfaction. The electronic ticketing management system for public transportation was developed using PHP language with MySQL database. There are five privilege levels of user for user, namely, general users; customers; service staff; supervisors; and administrators. The research results indicated that 1) the quality of system, which had been evaluated by ten experts selected using purposive sampling, was as follows: accuracy was at the good level (=4.17, S.D.=0.45) and service was at the very good level (
=4.23, S.D.=0.62). 2) user satisfaction, which had been evaluated by thirty-eight users selected using purposive sampling, was as follows: the need for the development of an electronic ticketing management system (
=4.40, S.D.=0.58), accuracy (
=4.33, S.D.=0.59), and service (
=4.28, S.D.=0.66) were at the great level.
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"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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