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Panuwat Srichailard
Monchai Tiantong


This research aimed to 1) synthesize the conceptual framework for a conceptual framework of blended learning by project based learning with STAD learning activities. 2) evaluate framework of a conceptual framework of blended learning by project based learning with STAD learning activities for developing the computer instruction on Internet Administration and Services for Department of Computer Education, bachelor degree, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. The research process consisted of 6 steps as follows: 1) Studied the concepts and theories related the research 2) synthesis a framework 3) define expert group 4) presented conceptual framework 5) Evaluate the framework by expert 6) Summarize the results

The research results were PJBLS-Model that consisted of 3 part 8 modules as follows: input part 1) Teacher Module 2) Student Module, process part 3) STAD Module 4) PJBL Content Module 5) Demonstrate Online Module 6) Demonstrate Offline Module, output part 7) Project Module and 8) Examiner Module. The evaluation results of the synthesized model. Are the most suitable (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.62, S.D.= 0.50) all experts accepted the synthesize model the synthesized model can use as Template on Internet Administration and Services.

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How to Cite
Srichailard, P., & Tiantong, M. (2019). A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF BLENDED LEARNING BY PROJECT BASED LEARNING WITH STAD LEARNING ACTIVITIES. Journal of Industrial Education, 18(1), 189–198. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/148932
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