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พิจิตร พรหมจารีย์
สมคิด สร้อยน้ำ
นวัตกร หอมสิน


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the students’ quality level of primary schools under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the Northeast, Thailand, 2) to find the student-level factors, teacher-level factors and school administrator-level factors that affect to the students’ quality and 3) to construct a Multi-level model of factors that affect to the students’ quality of primary schools under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the Northeast, Thailand. The sample comprised 1,584 people. They were 48 administrators, 96 teachers and 1,440 students selected by Multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were 4 types of questionnaire: (1) for school administrators, (2) for teachers, (3) for students and (4) questions about students’ quality. The reliability value of the questionnaires were .942, .944, .882 and .947 respectively. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean and Standard Deviation. Multi-level model was analyzed using HLM7 program of Window software. The results of this research were as follows: 1) The students’ quality of primary schools under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the Northeast, Thailand was at a high level. 2) For the student factors, it was found that the learning attitude, the learning motivation and the learning behavior affecting to students’ quality was statistically significant at .01, .05 and .05 levels respectively. For the teacher factors, it was found that the teaching quality and the atmosphere of instruction affecting to students’ quality were statistically significant at .01 and .05 levels respectively. For the administration factor, it was found that the leadership and the quality management process affecting to students’ quality was statistically significant at .01 level. And 3) The Multi-level model of factors that affect to the students’ quality of primary schools under Primary Education Service Area Offices in the Northeast, Thailand was illustrated as a mixed model below:

QUALITY = 4.287**+0.051**LEAD+0.039**PROC+0.101**TEAC+0.042*ENVI+0.052**ATTI+0.106*ATTI*TEAC+ 0.092**ATTI*ENVI+0.034*MOTI+0.020*MOTI*PROC+0.038**MOTI*BEHA–0.029*MOTI*CLIM+0.056*LEAR+ 0.248**LEAR*TEAC+0.105*LEAR*ENVI

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พรหมจารีย์ พ., สร้อยน้ำ ส., & หอมสิน น. (2018). THE MULTI-LEVEL FACTORS AFFECTING TO STUDENTS’ QUALITY OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS UNDER PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVCE AREA OFFICES IN THE NORTHEAST, THAILAND. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(3), 166–175. retrieved from
Research Articles


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