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Montajula Suvattanadilok


Medical tourism has generated a considerable amount of revenue for Thailand over the past years. In Thailand, medical tourism is a viable business in the highly competitive global market, and continual growth. Foreign tourists from all over the world come to Thailand for medical treatment and travel. Based on standard treatments, the medical expenses are appropriate, medical staffs serve with sincerity, and transportation services are convenient and fast. Thailand also offers historic sites and beautiful natural attractions. This study aims to investigate the key factors affecting the decision making of foreign tourists to use services of medical tourism in Thailand. The study involves a survey of foreign tourists, with 400 questionnaires used to collect quantitative data. Descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used to analyze the data. The results show that safety significantly influences foreign tourists’ decision to participate in medical tourism at 0.001. Medical personnel’s knowledge and expertise also significantly influence foreign tourists’ decision to participate in medical tourism at 0.032 and international personal assistance significantly influences foreign tourists’ decision to participate in medical tourism at 0.035. Also, reasonable medical cost significantly influences foreign tourists’ decision to participate in medical tourism at 0.001.

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How to Cite
Suvattanadilok, M. (2018). KEY FACTORS AFFECTING T HE DECISION MAKING OF FOREIGN TOURISTS TO USE SERVICES OF MEDICAL TOURISM IN THAILAND. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(3), 185–194. retrieved from
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