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มินตรา เภาพูล
ขวัญ เพียซ้าย
ชุติวรรณ เพ็ญเพียร
สุกัญญา หะยีสา
เอนก จันทรจรูญ


The purposes of this study were to investigate 1) students’ reasoning ability about sequences after being taught through instructional management plans and 2) students’ satisfaction toward the use of the instructional plans. Using a method of cluster random sampling, the participants were 40 Mathayomsuksa IV students of Phothawatthanasenee school in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand, in the second semester of 2017 academic year. This study was an experimental research. We developed a collection of 9 instructional management plans. Connecting real-world situations to sequences and cooperative learning were employed as the main frameworks of activities in each plan. The participants were provided real-world situations involving sequences that led them to discuss and change ideas of sequences together via working in group. The students were encouraged to express reasons to confirm the answers of each situation. The pupils were taught through the 9 lesson plans in 55 minutes for each. We created 19-items exam and 21-items questionnaire to evaluate the subjects’ reasoning ability and the students’ satisfaction after being taught by the plans, respectively. The data including the subjects’ exam scores and the pupils’ satisfaction toward the use of the created plans were collected and then analyzed via percentage, mean, standard deviation and a statistical Z-test. The research finding revealed that 1) After being taught by the instructional plans focusing on connecting real-world situations to sequences and cooperative learning, there were over 70% of the participants, who had reasoning-ability scores that satisfy the criteria, at the statistically significant .05 level. 2) The mean score of the subjects’ satisfaction toward the use of the instructional plans was at the “high” level, overall.

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เภาพูล ม., เพียซ้าย ข., เพ็ญเพียร ช., หะยีสา ส., & จันทรจรูญ เ. (2018). A STUDY OF REASONING ABILITIES ON SEQUENCE BY USING LEARNING MANAGEMENT CONNECTING WITH REAL WORLD SITUATIONS AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA IV STUDENTS. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(2), 83–92. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/145171
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