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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop the multimedia courseware on Earth and Space in Grade 4 for the quality and the efficiency, and 2) to compare the learning achievement on Earth and Space in Grade 4 of the pretest and the posttest after learning with the courseware on Earth and Space. The samples consisted of 31 Grade 4 students from Ao Chang Lai School, Chachoengsao Province during Academic Year 2017 via simple random sampling. The research tools included multimedia courseware on Earth and Space in Grade 4, an evaluation form for the quality of the multimedia courseware, and a learning achievement test containing 20 items. The index of item–objective congruence (IOC) was 0.67–1.00. The item difficulty index (p) ranged from 0.41–0.71. The discrimination (r) ranged from 0.24–0.53 and the reliability (rtt) was 0.85. The statistics used in the analysis were the mean ( ), standard deviation (S), Process Efficiency (E1)/ Product Efficiency (E2) and t-test for dependent samples.
The research results revealed that
1) The multimedia courseware on Earth and Space in Grade 4 had a good overall quality ( = 4.43, S = 0.54); when considering each aspect, the content quality was at a good level (
= 4.22, S = 0.64); and the quality of media production technique was at a very good level (
= 4.65, S = 0.45).
2) The multimedia courseware on Earth and Space in Grade 4 had efficiency E1/E2 equal to 81.13/86.29 as the defined criterion.
3) The posttest achievement of the students after learning with the multimedia courseware on Earth and Space in Grade 4 was higher than that of the pretest with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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