Farming system with Vocational Agricultural Education Management

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รังสรรค์ ปัญญาคม


The  main objective of Vocational agricultural education is to  produce skilled and technical levels.  Professional skills, experience and good attitude to agricultural occupations. The certificate curriculum and the diploma curriculum focuses on the students to learning by doing. Student can get skills  and direct  by farming. There  are crop  farms, livestock  farms  and aquaculture  farms  in  the college  of agriculture and technology. Every  farm  has  different  strong points. Farm are formed  in demonstration  farms, educational  farms, commercial  farms and student’s projects farms. The  outside  factors  and  inside  factors are  effected to the  success  of  farms. The students  can  get a  good  knowledge, good  skills, experience a good  attitude a farming  can  be a vocational  service  for communities.

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How to Cite
ปัญญาคม ร. (2015). Farming system with Vocational Agricultural Education Management. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 748–755. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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