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อุเทน สุขสิงห์
ฉัตรศิริ ปิยะพิมลสิทธิ์
สูติเทพ ศิริพิพัฒน์นกุล


The purposes of this study were to : 1) create the Computer Competencies Assessment for students in secondary schools (Grade 7). 2) validate the quality, content validity, discrimination, difficulty, distracter efficiency and reliability 3) study the effect of implementing the Computer Competencies Assessment and the developed cut-off scores. The sample group, drawn from multi-stage random sampling, consisted of 420 students from secondary schools in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5. The research instruments included a test of knowledge, an Affective Domain observation form and a practical skill test. The statistical calculations involved the index of Item Objective Congruence, Lovette’s reliability calculations, and Rater Agreement Index And Berk’s cut-off score.

The results of the study were as follows :

  1. The developed Computer Competencies Assessment consists of 1.1) 3 sets of the test to measure the knowledge about computers, Information and Communications Technology. Each set consists of 30 questions. 1.2) 2 sets of Observation protocols about the virtues and values of technology. 1.3) 3 sets of a practical skill test of computer use and communicate and Microsoft Word program. evaluated by using a scoring rubric.

  2. The quality of the developed Computer Competencies Assessment is found to be appropriate. The IOC was 0.67 to 1, the discrimination was 0.25 to 0.93, the difficulty was 0.22 to 0.77, the distracter efficiency was 0.06 to 0.48 , the reliability was 0.92 to 0.93, IOC of Affective Domain was 0.67 to 1, with the Rater Agreement Index of 0.86 to 0.90 and the Psychomotor Domain with IOC was 0.67 to 1, Rater Agreement Index is equal to 0.89 to 0.95.

  3. When implementing the Computer Competencies Assessment, it was found that the students gained higher scores in the posttest than the pretest. The test’s cut-off scores equal 13 to 15 from the full score of 30. The Affective Domain had the cut-off score equal to 4 points from the full score of 6 points and the Psychomotor Domain’s cut-off scores equal 6 to 12 from the full scores of 15 to 24 while the validity value is between 0.76 to 0.95.

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สุขสิงห์ อ., ปิยะพิมลสิทธิ์ ฉ., & ศิริพิพัฒน์นกุล ส. (2017). CONSTRUCTION OF A COMPUTER COMPETENCIES ASSESSMENT SET FOR THE OCCUPATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT FOR MATTAYOMSUKSA 1. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(3), 135–142. retrieved from
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