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กมลธร แสงอุทัย
ดวงพร ภู่ผะกา
สถาพร ดียิ่ง


Development of learning enhancement activities in botany course by using Bangkla mango learning center, Chachoengsao province, the objectives of this research were to 1) develop learning enhancement activities of students. 2) study learning achievement of students and 3) study the satisfaction of student who received learning enhancement activities in Botany course. The sample group was 3rd year Biology student in 1st semester 2015 at Rajabhat Rajanagarindra university. 15 students. The research methodology including enhancement activities in botany course were applied total 7 plans, learning achievement test with confident value at 0.83 and satisfaction questionnaire with confident value at 0.81, data was analyzed using by mean, standard deviation and statistic t-test.

The results showed that 1) the development of learning enhancement activities in Botany course using by Bangkla mango learning center, researcher developed 7 enhancement activities, all activity was evaluated by the expertise and receiving at level 5, the overall average from evaluation was 4.55 which at high level, 2) the students who received learning enhancement activities has learning achievement test score higher than before was significantly statistic at .01 and 3) the overall average of satisfaction of student in learning enhancement activities was 4.35 at high level.     

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How to Cite
แสงอุทัย ก., ภู่ผะกา ด., & ดียิ่ง ส. (2017). DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES IN BOTANY COURSE BY USING BANGKLA MANGO LEARNING CENTER, CHACHOENGSAO PROVINCE. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(3), 45–52. retrieved from
Research Articles


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