The Holistic Health Leadership of The Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, Thailand, 2013 AD.

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วิลาวัลย์ พงษ์สุนทร
ธันยธรณ์ สุขพานิช


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the holistic health leadership for the executive of Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr hospital 2) to study the management of alternative medicine strategy to enhance the quality of life and sustainability of Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr hospital 3) to study The leadership in enhancing the quality of sustainability with a choice of hospitals, doctors Abhaibhubejhr and 4) to present the model of the holistic health leadership for the executive of Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr hospital to used Strategic Management of alternative Medicine, to enhance the quality of life in a sustainable in the future. This study employed a Qualitative research from in-depth interviews of 42 people. The Quantitative researchused a meticulous questionnaire sampling from 410 people.

1) The holistic health leadership for the Executive of Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr, doctors and nurses havea moral, ethical and professional conduct advanced. Because the people who have to care for the sick and remember to have better health

2) The management of alternative medicine strategy to enhance the quality of life and sustainability of Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr hospital concluded that a key strategic goal. Focusing on the wisdom of herbs Thailand and Thailand to help you make the very most. Parallel strategies in modern medicine and strategic networks to expand medical options.

3) The leadership in enhancing the quality of sustainability with a choice of hospitals, doctors Abhaibhubejhr concluded that the Thailand health promotion provides great quality guidelines Thailand medicine or alternative medicine. To strengthen the whole five dimensions.
1. The physical dimension of physical health. The absence of disease or infirmity
2. Dimensional mental a state of mind is clear. The lack of concern for the happiness of having mercy.
3. Dimensions of social the family, a sense of collective Care, mutual aid societies.
4. Spiritual dimension to have moral integrity is not greedy enough. The person should have a firmcommitment to the highest respect.
5. Dimensional emotional the ability to control emotions and the wisdom to resolve.

4) The “Research Model” of this doctoral dissertation can be summed up as the following: From The “Alternative Herbal Medicine Pioneer” To “The Human Security Health Hub Champion”

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How to Cite
พงษ์สุนทร ว., & สุขพานิช ธ. (2014). The Holistic Health Leadership of The Chaophaya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, Thailand, 2013 AD. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 128–134. retrieved from
Research Articles


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