The Development of Instructional Model According to the Concept of Contemplative Education to develop the Discipline of Secondary Students

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สายัณห์ วงศ์สุรินทร์
บุญเรือง ศรีเหรัญ
ชาตรี เกิดธรรม


The objectives of this research were to study factor of the discipline, to develop of Instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education and to study the result of applying the instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education for enhancing secondary students’ discipline. There were three stages to achieve the research. The first stage was factor analysis of discipline. The samples of this research were 840 Matthayomsuksa 1 students of 12 overall groups of phrapariyattidhamma schools under the general education division during the first semester of the academic year 2013, being a multistage random sampling. The tools were a interview form and questionnaire with the reliability of 0.94. Data collection by using Booklet Matrix Sampling. The statistics for data analysis were reliability and exploratory factor analysis by using LISREL program version 9.10 with activation code : 6EC5-311D-BBB9-57CD. The second stage was to the development of Instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education, the tool was the evaluation of the model. The five experts examined the quality of developed model with high level of satisfaction of the model and showed that the model was appropriate to bring to trial. The third stage was to study the result of applying the instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education, the experimental research methodology was carried out by the time-series design. The samples of this research were 50 Matthayomsuksa 1 students of Mahavajiralongkornrajavidyalaya school during the second semester of academic year 2013, being a multistage random sampling and a simple random sampling the students in two group of fifty : the experimental group being taught by the instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education, and the control group being taught by regular learning modelwithin 6 weeks of operation. Data collection from the disciplinary test and a observation form. The statistic used in this research were Mean, Standard Deviation and Repeated Measures One-Way ANOVA.

The results were as follows :

1. The factors of the secondary students’ discipline were as follows : discipline in duty, self discipline, organization discipline, lay person and novice discipline, and novice discipline with the construct validity of structural model from the exploratory factor analysis, the chi-square goodness of fit test was 453.28, df = 206, p-value = 0.00, RMSEA= 0.038, GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.93, CFI= 0.98, RMR= 0.52, and CN = 475.10.

2. The Instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education for enhancingsecondary students’ discipline was composed of 4 factors as follows : 1) the theory/principle/concept of model 2) the objectives of model 3) the step of learning activities which were 5 sub-steps as; 1. trust 2. information 3. activities 4. reflection and 5. action 4) measurement and evaluation of model.

3. The result of development the instructional model according to the concept of contemplative education for enhancing students’ discipline found that the organization discipline of experimental group was better than the control group as significance of .05 level at (F = 893.27). The organization discipline of students were permanent behavior at .05 level (F=90651.76) and the behavior of organization discipline had higher than before the experiment at .05 level (F = 5797.76).

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How to Cite
วงศ์สุรินทร์ ส., ศรีเหรัญ บ., & เกิดธรรม ช. (2014). The Development of Instructional Model According to the Concept of Contemplative Education to develop the Discipline of Secondary Students. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 74–82. retrieved from
Research Articles


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