The Development of Behavioral Criteria for Thai Pilots’ Nontechnical Skills Assessment

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สิทธิเดช เหมืองสิน
พิศมัย จารุจิตติพันธ์


The objective of this study was to develop the behavioral criteria for Thai pilots’ non-technical skills assessment. The research methodology was divided in to two stages with four steps. The first stage, first and second steps, was to create the criteria. The second stage, third and fourth steps, was to assess the developed criteria. The first step samples were the 13 purposive sampling of psychiatrists and professional pilots who were responsible for the airline pilots’ behavioral assessment. Data was collected three times with Delphi technique. The second step samples were 359 Stratified random sampling of pilots who were concerning with the behavioral assessment. Data was collected by questionnaires.The third step samples were 30 purposive sampling of pilots who were involved in the behavioral assessment. Data was collected by trial assess of predefined scenario (interviews) and questionnaires. The fourth step samples were 30 purposive sampling evaluators who were involved in the behavioral assessment. Data was collected by seminar and trial assesses of predefined scenario (video) and questionnaires. The statistics applied to analyze were Percentage Mean Median Interquartile Range and Mode. The results showed that the behavioral criteria for Thai pilots’ non-technical skills assessment consist of 5 categories. Each category consists of four indicators which made a total of 20 indicators. There were 105 samples of behaviors that were appropriate and had the possibility to collect the data. The five categories of behavioral criteria for Thai pilots’ non - technical skills assessment were as following 1) co-operation 2) leadership and managerial skills 3) situational awareness 4) decision making and problem solving and 5) communication.

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เหมืองสิน ส., & จารุจิตติพันธ์ พ. (2014). The Development of Behavioral Criteria for Thai Pilots’ Nontechnical Skills Assessment. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 51–58. retrieved from
Research Articles


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