Factors of Learning Management in Classroom Contributed to the Disciplined Mind of Industrial Education of KMITL Students

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Aukkapong Sukkamart


The purposes of this paper were 1) To study the factors that affect learning management in classroom contributed to the disciplined mind 2) To study the relationship between factors of learning management in classroom contributed to the disciplined Mind. 3) To study the important weight of the factors that learning management in classroom that affect into disciplined mind. The sampling were undergraduate students who study in the Faculty of Industrial Education at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology LadKrabang during, the second semester of 2013 academic year. The sample size derived from square blocks of Yamane, the level of confidence of 95% on a sampling of 315 students and sampling using stratified random sampling procedure. The research tool used in this study were to measure factors of learning management in classroom. There were three aspects; which are learning management of child-centered education, the climate in the learning management and the authentic assessment and a measure of disciplined mind undergraduate students. The reliability was 95, .96, .92, and. 96, respectively. The results showed that 1) factors of learning management in classroom include learning management of child-centered education, the atmosphere in the learning management  and a measure of disciplined mind undergraduate students. The correlated with disciplined mind has a statistically significant in .01 with ties to disciplined mind the highest is the atmosphere in the learning management and the authentic assessment (.62). The correlated with learning management of child-centered education was (0.56). 2) The weight of standard scores in the factors on learning management in classroom contributed to the disciplined mind has climate in the learning management weight with the maximum weight and authentic assessment .33 followed learning management of child-centered education .09 respectively.

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How to Cite
Sukkamart, A. (2015). Factors of Learning Management in Classroom Contributed to the Disciplined Mind of Industrial Education of KMITL Students. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 305–311. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/124499
Research Articles


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