Mp3 player module for instructional media development

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ประดิษฐ์ พันธ์ภูมิ
ศิริรัตน์ เพ็ชร์แสงศรี
สมชาย หมื่นสายญาติ


The purposes of this study were; 1) to create and develop of MP3 player module in the design, structure, and the implementation, and 2) to find satisfaction of using MP3 player module. The sample used in this study ware 30 science teachers who taught at the fourth grade, in Chaiyaphum District Educational Service Area Office 3 selected by multi-steps sampling method.

The research instrument were, 1) MP3 player module for instructional media development, 2) Instructional media titled ”Stars and the solar system” developed with MP3 player module 3) Evaluation form of MP3 player module for instructional media evaluated by six experts, and 4) Samples’ satisfaction form to measure satisfaction of MP3 player module for instructional media evaluated by the samples.

The results of this research were as follow. 1) The MP3 player module for instructional media evaluated by six experts passed all the criteria of appropriateness design, structure, and implementation aspect. 2) The MP3 player module for instructional media in all aspects had a highest level of sample’ satisfaction which. The mean of 4.57, and the standard deviation of 0.58, which met all the hypotheses.

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How to Cite
พันธ์ภูมิ ป., เพ็ชร์แสงศรี ศ., & หมื่นสายญาติ ส. (2015). Mp3 player module for instructional media development. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 292–298. retrieved from
Research Articles


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