Ethical Behavior in Using Social Networking of the Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College

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ยาซา มะหะมาน
ฉันทนา วิริยเวชกุล
เลิศลักษณ์ กลิ่นหอม


Purposes of this research were to study and to compare Ethical Behavior in Using Social Networking of the Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College classified by year of curriculum and major. Samples of this study were 254 students in the semester 2, academic year of 2013. Who were selected by using stratified random sampling technique.

Research tool was a questionnaire consisting of 2 parts. Part I consisted of question about demographic information of the sample. Part II, the 5 rating scales questionnaire, was used to ask the students about in using Ethical Behavior in Using Social Networking. It consisted of 35 items and had a reliability of 0.87. Data were analyzed by employing mean, standard deviation, Independent Sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA and multiple comparison of Scheffe’ s method. Results were as followed:

  1. The Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College possessed high levels in Ethical Behavior in Using Social Networking. ( x̄ = 4.10)

  2. There were no statistical difference inEthical Behavior in Using Social Networking of the Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College when classify by year of curriculum with 95% confidential level.

  3. There were statistical difference inEthical Behavior in Using Social Networking of the Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College with 0.05 level when classify by major.

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How to Cite
มะหะมาน ย., วิริยเวชกุล ฉ., & กลิ่นหอม เ. (2015). Ethical Behavior in Using Social Networking of the Students in High Vocational Certificate Level at Chachoengsao Technical College. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 283–291. retrieved from
Research Articles


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