Factors affecting the teacher’ classroom research in Udonthani Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission

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อรุณพร ชาญสุข
ธนินทร์ รัตนโอฬาร
ปริยาภรณ์ ตั้งคุณานันต์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the conditions of the teacher’ classroom research in Udonthani Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission, 2)  to study researcher-required qualification, research-enhancing atmosphere, research-advocating personnel, self-development toward classroom research, attitudes toward classroom research, and workloads and time availability 3)  to study the factors affecting the teacher’ classroom research in Udonthani Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission. The samples of the study were 245 teachers from 9 Colleges of Udonthani Vocational Education Colleges, under the office of the Vocational Education Commission. The research instruments comprised checklist questionnaire and 5-scale questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis by stepwise method. 

The research findings were as follows                                 

              1). In general, it was found that the classroom research conducted by the teachers in the Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission was at high level. (x̄= 3.98)

              2). The overall 6 factors enhancing the teacher’ classroom research, including researcher-required qualification, research-enhancing atmosphere, research-advocating personnel, self-development toward classroom research, attitudes toward classroom research, and workloads and time availability, were found generally available in between moderate to high levels. (x̄= 3.33 to 4.06) 

              3) Significantly, there were 5 enhancing factors correlated to classroom research conduct of the teachers in the Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission, at the significant level of .01 were attitudes toward classroom research (X5), researcher-required qualification (X1), research-advocating personnel (X3), self-development toward classroom research (X4),  workloads and time availability (X6). Generally, these factors predicted the teachers’ classroom research conduct at 77.20 percent, with the predictable quotation as follows

    gif.latex?\hat{Y}=  1.216+.684 (X5) +.439 (X1) +.174 (X3) +.119 (X4) -.055 (X6)


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How to Cite
ชาญสุข อ., รัตนโอฬาร ธ., & ตั้งคุณานันต์ ป. (2015). Factors affecting the teacher’ classroom research in Udonthani Vocational Education Colleges under the office of the Vocational Education Commission. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 250–257. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/124492
Research Articles


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