Factors affecting quality of work life of Burmese migrants in Bang Phli Industrial Estate , Samut Prakan Province

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วิชัยรัตน์ หงษ์ทอง
วรนารถ แสงมณี
ณัฐวุฒิ โรจน์นิรุตติกุล


This research aims 1) to study the quality of work life of Burmese migrants  in Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province, and 2) to examine the factors affecting quality of work life of Burmese migrants  in Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. The sample  is Burmese migrants working in Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. The data were collected through questionnaires from 380 respondents by a simple random sampling method. The statistics used in the study were percentage, arithmetic means, and standard deviation. Multiple-Linear Regression was  used for hypothesis testing . The research showed that

       1) The quality of work life of Burmese migrants in Bang Phli Industrial Estate was fairly good.

       2) Communication, organization climate, organization support, and training and development could affect the quality of work life of Burmese migrants in Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. All independent variables could explain the variation in quality of work life of Burmese migrants in Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province at 71.9%.

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How to Cite
หงษ์ทอง ว., แสงมณี ว., & โรจน์นิรุตติกุล ณ. (2015). Factors affecting quality of work life of Burmese migrants in Bang Phli Industrial Estate , Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 226–233. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/124489
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