Web - Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

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ไพรบูลย์ กุลด้วง
ศิริรัตน์ เพ็ชร์แสงศรี
ฉันทนา วิริยเวชกุล


The purposes of this research were to construct and find out effectiveness of the Web–Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by PLC, then compared the learning achievement between the experimental group that learned with the Web–Based Training with Embedded  Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by PLC and the controlled group that learned with the Web-Based Training without Embedded Simulator. In this study, 40 employees from Hair care Tube/Pouch Procter & Gamble manufacturing Thailand Company limited was used as samples by using the sample random sampling method. The sample was divided into two groups with 20 employees for each group. The experimental group learned with the Web–Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by PLC while the controlled group learned with the Web-Based Training without Embedded Simulator. The effectiveness of Web–Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by PLC was obtained from the experimental group’s learning achievement. Then, the achievement scores of experimental group were compared with the controlled group. The data were analyzed using the independent Sample t-test.

The results of this study was concluded that the effectiveness of the Web–Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical control system by PLC was at 86.00:85.41 which met the standard criteria at 80:80, and the learning achievement of the subjects who learned with Web–Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by PLC was significantly higher then those who learned with the Web-Based training without embedded simulator at .05 level.

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How to Cite
กุลด้วง ไ., เพ็ชร์แสงศรี ศ., & วิริยเวชกุล ฉ. (2015). Web - Based Training with Embedded Simulator on Industrial Electrical Control System by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 212–219. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/124487
Research Articles


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