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จันทร์ขาว สายแปลง


The purposes of this research were to 1) Develop and find quality of the Mobile Learning on Process Modeling for System Analysis and Design 2) Find efficiency of Mobile Learning on Process Modeling for System Analysis and Design and 3) Compare the learning achievement of pre and post learning with Mobile Learning on Process Modeling for System Analysis and Design. The samples used in study were 30 Bachelor Degree students of Industrial technology, Lampang Inter-tech College in first semester 2015, divided into two groups including the first group for find efficiency of Mobile Learning and the second group for comparing pre and post learning achievement on Mobile Learning.

Research instruments consisted of Mobile Learning, the quality questionnaire, and multiple choices achievement test. This test comprised 30 items with the IOC between 0.67-1.00, the degree of difficulty between 0.39-0.69, the degree of discrimination 0.30-0.60, and reliability coefficient of 0.82. The results of this research revealed that:

  1. The quality evaluated by the experts, found that the overview was in a good level ( x̄=4.48, S.D.=0.60) including the content in a very good level (x̄ =4.53, S.D.=0.58) and technic media development in a good level (x̄ =4.43, S.D.=0.62)

  2. The efficiency (E1/E2) of the Mobile learning was 82.33/86.67.

  3. The students’ learning achievement after learning with Mobile Learning on Process Modeling for System Analysis and Design was statistically and significantly higher than the achievement prior to learn with Mobile Learning (α=0.05).

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How to Cite
สายแปลง จ. (2017). A DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE LEARNING ON PROCESS MODELING FOR SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(1), 25–33. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/123854
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