Study and Development from local wisdom of Baan Tawai village Chiang Mai

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บุรพรัตน์ นันไชย
จตุรงค์ เลาหะเพ็ญแสง
อุดมศักดิ์ สาริบุตร


Study and development of the products from Baan Tawai, a local village of Chiang Mai.  the research objectives were to study the two factors. That is to learn about the local products and to design and development for local village of Baan Tawai.

Samples used in this study. Include manufacturers and suppliers of local village dedicated to 100 people by random sampling. Tools used to collect the data and Interviews with manufacturers and experts about the model and the development of Baan Tawai village has focus to crafting data analysis, standard deviation, and interpretation of the narrative.

The results showed that the formation of a local resident of the Baan Tawai village, offeris a unique and wisdom of the elders, divided into three types: wood carving Wedding line pattern and gilded. The style and design development is multi-purpose living room furniture sets for home environment from the model. The functionality, the beauty and the local identity are also considered

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How to Cite
นันไชย บ., เลาหะเพ็ญแสง จ., & สาริบุตร อ. (2015). Study and Development from local wisdom of Baan Tawai village Chiang Mai. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 116–120. retrieved from
Research Articles


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