Factor analysis of the service quality of inventory unit at technical colleges under the office of vocational eucation commission in central region

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ณิชาภา ทองคล้ำ
ธนินทร์ รัตนโอฬาร
ปริยาภรณ์ ตั้งคุณานันต์


The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors of which in fluenced service quality of Inventory units at technical colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region. The samples of the study were 492 personnel from 25 the Technical Colleges comprising Directors, Deputy Directors, Section Chief, and Chief. The research instrument comprised was 60 items of 5 rating scale questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with the principal component analysis and the orthogonal rotation by varimax.

In general, the results of the study revealed that there were  7 factors of the influencing service quality of Inventory units at technical colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region, descending in order of priority including 1) sincerity, courtesy and service rapidity 2) supply and service readiness 3) service facilitation and coordination 4) service reliability 5) service trustfulness 6) supply and service availability and 7) supply and safety management. Generally, the obtained factors were accounted for 63.965 percent of service quality of the Inventory units at the technical colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Certral Region.

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How to Cite
ทองคล้ำ ณ., รัตนโอฬาร ธ., & ตั้งคุณานันต์ ป. (2015). Factor analysis of the service quality of inventory unit at technical colleges under the office of vocational eucation commission in central region. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 107–115. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/123829
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