Factor Analysis of Teacher’s Knowledge of Classroom Action Research in College of Acriculture and Technology under the Office of Vocational Education Commissions

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ถนอมรัตน์ ชูหนู
ธนินทร์ รัตนโอฬาร
ปริยาภรณ์ ตั้งคุณานันต์


The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors analysis and assessment of teacher’s knowledge of classroom action research in college of acriculture and technology under the office of vocational education commission. The samples selected by the multi - stage random sampling method were the college of acriculture and technology under the office of vocational education commission 335 instructors. A set of questionnaires (=0.99) written in Thai and English were used as the research tool. The data analysis complying with the research instrument; the general information was analyzed by using the frequency, the percentage, the mean, the standard deviation. The analysis of factors analysis of teacher’s knowledge of classroom action research in college of acriculture and technology under the office of vocational education commission was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with the principal component analysis and the orthogonal rotation by varimax.

The results revealed that the factors analysis of teacher’s knowledge of classroom action research in college of acriculture and technology under the office of vocational education commission included 5 factors. These included: 1) Research planning in the classroom  2) Data collection 3) Calculate the descriptive statistics  4) Interpret inferential statistics calculation and data presentation 5) Reflecting back Writing a research paper in classroom and the 5 factors accounted for 73.046 percents of the factors analysis. Assessment of knowledge of classroom action research included 5 factors. These included : 1) Calculate the descriptive statistics (x̄= 3.808  s = .652 ) 2) Research planning in the classroom (x̄= 3.660  s = .593) 3) Data collection (x̄= 3.497  s = .689) 4) Reflecting back Writing a research paper in classroom (x̄= 3.480 s = .611)  5) Interpret inferential statistics calculation and data presentation (x̄= 3.465  s = .620)  is Moderate.

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How to Cite
ชูหนู ถ., รัตนโอฬาร ธ., & ตั้งคุณานันต์ ป. (2015). Factor Analysis of Teacher’s Knowledge of Classroom Action Research in College of Acriculture and Technology under the Office of Vocational Education Commissions. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 99–106. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/123828
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