The Development of Research-Based Learning Model to Develop Desirable Competency of Students for Higher Vocational Education in Institution of Vocational Education in Agriculture

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สุพินญา คำขจร
ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล
สมพร ดวนใหญ่


Research-based learning activities are important for students’ cognitive creation. Therefore, the study of research-based learning model for improving students’ desirable competences is very useful. The purposes of this research were 1) to study the research-based learning management status of Vocational Education in Agricultural Institutions and 2) to develop of research-based learning model and to study the model’s appropriateness for improving students’ desirable competences in Higher Vocational Education. The research designs were quantitative and qualitative designs that consisted of 2 stages. The first stage was done for the first purpose. Simple random sampling was employed to obtain samples for the survey which consisted of 12 colleges: 120 teachers and 120 students in Higher Vocational Education and interviews which included 4 colleges: 10 students in each college. The instruments were questionnaires written by the authors. The range of IOC was from 0.60 to 1.00. The reliability was 0.9413 and 0.9690 for teachers’ and students’ questionnaires, respectively. The semi-structural questionnaires written by the authors were used for student interviews. The range of IOC was from 0.80 to 1.00. The second step was done for the second purpose. The instruments were research-based learning management model and a questionnaire written by the authors. The range of IOC for the questionnaire was from 0.60 to 1.00. The reliability was 0.9514. It was indicated by 16 experts. The descriptive statistics used was percentage, mean, standard deviation. Content analysis was used for qualitative data.

The research findings were as follows: 1) the research-based learning management status of Vocational Education in Agricultural Institutions was quite low. In the preparation stage, there were learning management following research process, simulation for problem solving, and student participation in learning to plan. In the learning stage, there were measurement and evaluation orientation, continuous learning encouragement and feedback after evaluation. In the conclusion stage, there were learning sharing, summarizing and knowledge reflection and more inquiry encouragement. 2) Research-based learning management model for improving students’ desirable competences of Vocational Education in Agriculture was composed of 7 elements. They were research-based learning, research knowledge, analytical thinking, problem solving, information technology, communication and authentic assessment. They comprised of 7 steps: 1) research preparation 2) research-based learning stimulation 3) planning and participatory evaluation 4) learning by research 5) knowledge summary and reflection 6) presentation and sharing and 7) learning evaluation. This model had the appropriateness at high level by the experts’ assessment. Therefore, both students and teachers have to gain their knowledge and comprehension in research in order to integrate with their instruction and learning activities for met cognition.

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How to Cite
คำขจร ส., เอกะกุล ธ., & ดวนใหญ่ ส. (2014). The Development of Research-Based Learning Model to Develop Desirable Competency of Students for Higher Vocational Education in Institution of Vocational Education in Agriculture. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 83–90. retrieved from
Research Articles


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