Motivation Factors Influencing Job Performance of Operational Employees in RED BULL DISTILLERY (1988) CO., LTD.

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ภัทรา ไพศาลวศิน
วรนารถ แสงมณี


The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the levels of job performance among operational employees at Red Bull Distillery (1988) Co., Ltd. and 2) to investigate motivation factors influencing the job performance. The sample was a group of 207 employees selected by simple random sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire with the reliability at 0.900. The data were analyzed by using percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and multiple linear regressions (enter method). The results showed that job performance of the operational employees at Red Bull Distillery (1988) Co., Ltd. was at a high level. The motivation factors influencing the performance were administration and company policy, compensation, working condition, security, achievement, job description, and responsibility, at the significant level of 0.01 and variance of job performance is 63 percent. On the other hand, factors including relationship, respect, and advancement did not show significant influence on the job performance.

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How to Cite
ไพศาลวศิน ภ., & แสงมณี ว. (2015). Motivation Factors Influencing Job Performance of Operational Employees in RED BULL DISTILLERY (1988) CO., LTD. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 577–584. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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