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Champoon Sam-arng
Sutthirak Sapsirin


This study aimed to investigate gender differences in perceived and actual use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies in an English reading comprehension test. The samples of the study were 250 grade 10 Thai students. First, the students were asked to report their strategy use through a perceived strategy use questionnaire. Two weeks later, the same group of students took the reading test. After finishing the test, they immediately responded to an actual strategy use questionnaire.  The data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA. The findings indicated that there were gender differences in perceived strategy use. Females reported using cognitive strategies more often than males did, but gender differences were not found in perceived use of metacognitive strategies. Furthermore, there were no gender differences in the actual use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies in the reading test. The results suggest that gender may not play a significant role in how students use cognitive and metacognitive strategies in a reading test. 

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Sam-arng, C., & Sapsirin, S. (2016). GENDER DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED AND ACTUAL USE OF COGNITIVE AND METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN AN ENGLISH READING TEST. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(3), 190–197. retrieved from
Research Articles


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